#Chubbycheekschu has been injured since birth. It's just something I don't share with most people. It's tough to explain. It's tough to put to words. It's something that's so rare locally. It's something that just hits all the raw nerves. I've not exactly come to terms with it and I guess I may never do so.
He was admitted to KKH in September for a MRI. When we reviewed the results in late September, his doctor decided to operate on him, It was to give him a chance at recovery which would be of low chance if we didn't operate. 6 Oct. Children's Day 2017 but a day nightmares are made of for us.
I took CCL on Thursday as Adriel needed to be admitted a day prior to his operation.
He was really cheeky and refused to go back to bed after his morning feed.
Ma accompanied us to have him admitted. Not my kind of vacation.
The nurses had insisted on having a plug set so that 'things are easier'. It hurt to see him poked. I stayed the first night, 1 caregiver can stay with the little one in the hospital. In the regular ward, the caregiver is provided with a pull-out bed.
He fasted since 2am and we were blessed with the presence of Pastor Zhuang who came to pray for us on the morning of his surgery. My brave little warrior.
I went in with him to the OT. It was intimidating. Once again, I held onto him as he was put under GA. The first time he had his MRI, he went all woozy from the gas and his eyes cried out, "Mummy, what's happening to me? Mummy?"
It was worse this time round cos I saw the OT, equipment and medical team. The image is one that is hard to shake off. The operation took a good 10 hours, slightly longer than predicted. He took a long time to come to too. The sight of him upon exiting the OT observation ward broke our hearts. He is so tiny, so young but yet, he has to go through so much.
He was sent to the high dependency ward. He had a neck brace, an arm sling, IV plug on his neck and a bandaged leg. How is one to watch their baby go through all this?
He was awarded a certificate!
Post surgery was HELL. He didn't drink well. I couldn't nurse him. He was fussy. He was angry. He was upset. Hubby stayed the first night with him but there was no pull-out bed in the HD ward. We pretty much slept sitting on a chair.
It was tough. When I got to the ward after going home to freshen up, #Chubbycheekschu was refusing his milk and crying the ward down. Syringe feeding didn't work either. Our hearts broke and we cried with him.
Out of desperation we prayed. As if guided by Jesus and his angels, he started drinking from the syringe and then the bottle. From almost starving (not even 10ml) to finishing 140ml in mere minutes. From being restless to finding his newfound strength, he wanted to flip 😐 he wanted to yank out his IV tubes 😐 We had to restraint him but we were thankful for little miracles.
Though I cannot phantom why God would allow for all this to happen. I question it far too often.
It helped to go home to sleep and freshen up.
On Day 3, I finally got to carry Adriel, It was overwhelming. It did comfort him... and that, I'm thankful for.
He started being very silly though he was in a lot of pain and was heavily drugged. They had his IV plug removed and transferred to the regular ward.
KKH is pretty happening and fun things happen when I wasn't in the ward. #Daddychu was more impressed than my little boy was. Adriel's appetite was still poor.

We ran out of mittens so I had socks put on his hand. So cute! XD
I was able to nurse him and I was glad that it gave him comfort. I enjoyed not having to pump too. He was getting better but was fussy. We could barely put him on the bed without struggling. He just wanted to be carried. My breastfeeding journey is just one that's so tough IMHO, not that it is easy for any nursing mums. It didn't help that I didn't get as much support as I wish I did. I'm probably at the end of my journey soon..
The ward is indeed an interesting place.. Partying in the middle of the night. Kid being restraint to insert a plug ): subsequently, other babies and children started screaming and crying too.
When Adriel had his plug and IV removed, he was definitely very very pleased.
I didn't allow for him to watch television programmes but he found a way out.. by watching his neighbour gorgor's TV programme! XD
He loves to sleep on his belly and he kept trying to flip. He behaved as if as he didn't have a neck brace on, that his arm wasn't in a sling.
I made myself a little happier with a MCD happy meal! I had my doctor's appointment and I had my surgery scheduled. Yeah, after Adriel's surgery comes mine. I suffered from a 4th degree tear and need to be fixed. This is all too draining for us. We can only take things 1 step at a time.
On Thursday evening we got discharged. Doctor said that we could go home as soon as we felt comfortable taking care of him at home. This silly baby was so happy to be home. He refused to lie down on the hospital bed unless really forced to. He merrily laid in his bed and gazed at his surroundings. I trimmed his nails and he enjoyed his fingers almost immediately after I cleaned them.
When we got home, his pain wasn't exactly manageable. When it hurt, he'd go to the extent of stretching out his entire body and his toes get all curled up. He'd get so tense and he'd struggle and cry. ): It hurt a lot to see him suffer.
It does not help that he is a HAMSTER. He has been refusing his meds and we get most of it spat out after he harbours them in his cheeks, despite giving us the illusion that he has swallowed it.
His cheeks were really cute though. He did smile at doctors and nurses in the hospital when he wasn't in that much of pain.
When his grandma came to visit, he smiled himself silly for her!
On Saturday, we visited his doctor at his private practice at Gleneagles for a review. His wounds have healed though the scars were AWFUL. I'm gonna do what I can in my power to get the scar be less visible. He's got a scar on his shoulder.. and 1 long one running from the back of his left knee right down to his ankle ):
We were thankful that his doctor did not charge us a consultation fee out of goodwill. I can't wait for him to recover well and review his progress in 2 weeks' time.
Having been stuck at home for too long.. and at the hospital, we had a nice lunch in town and went window shopping! Adriel looked like he had HUGE BOOBIES >.<
He enjoyed being carried and drooling all over me. Doesn't help that he's kinda teething now. Didn't help that our air conditioning wasn't working for the past few days. It broke down. Thankfully, we had it fixed and the house is nice and cool now.
This past week or so has just been really tough. We're thankful for the support of friends and family that have reached out to us. We've been blessed in many ways. I'm just hoping that Adriel recovers well and that we see progress real soon.
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