
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Tokyo 2015 Day 3 - Ueno Zoo, Ameyoko Ueno, Odaiba Gundam and Daiso

On Day 3, we slept a little more and headed to Ueno Zoo. 

We had breakfast at a little shop near our hotel. This only cost us 550 yen!

We've been to Ueno Zoo the last time round but cos' I loved the zoo, the hubby took me here again. I haven't got much photos of the place.. but I've got lots of photos of the pretty trees! 


Our entry tickets! Only 600 yen per person! 

The Japanese have cookies/snacks for every tourist attraction! XD 

They're usually very adorable, no doubt!

It was pretty cold! XD

Eating ice-cream in cold weather is perfect!

The colour of the trees brought peace to me.

We then spotted a hybrid animal! A donkey with a zebra! 

We then strolled to Ameyoko.

We spotted many men (more old ones than young ones) and women with young children seated on the benches just watching the world go by. Such bliss!

Lunch time!
We then had a great seafood lunch.

Such a beautiful sight! The seafood is like so cheap!
After which, we took a stroll.. the seafood was so cheap!

After our stroll, we headed to Odaiba. 

The sun was so beautiful! It was only 3+ but the sun was about to set. 

Mega Gundam!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It never fails to be blow us away! At Odaiba, there's a flagship store that sells limited ed. kits.. there's a gundam cafe and a museum of some sort! 

It happen to be the launch of the special Christmas show. 

At Diver City, there's lots of shopping. A shop that I like is The Daiba that sells tons of snacks! Tokyu Hands was great too.. I got Thermos food jars at a really good price! 

Also, there's a huge Daiso at Diver City, one of the best I've visited in Tokyo (: 
Lots of Disney and Sanrio stuff!

Even Kinetic sand!


Lots of bento stuff

Lots of seasoning!!

Lots of convenient food too.


They even have a section dedicated to baking ingredients!

I was in Kitty haven!

We used to have HK stuff in Singapore's Daiso.. but I heard that it was removed due to Sanrio's copyright issues.

Also, Daiso items are 108 yen with tax.. making it only $1.30!!! No prizes for guessing who went on a shopping frenzy! 

My stash on the very first Daiso day! (: 

We then tried their Yoshinoya for dinner. It was so much tastier than ours! 

It was chilly but I enjoyed an ice cream cold in the cold night! (: 

As we headed back to the hotel to rest, I had more fun with the Whipple kits! (: 

Read on Day 4 for our visit to Yokohama! (: 

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