
Saturday, December 26, 2015

Tokyo 2015 Day 7: Asakusa, Kappabashi and Shinjuku

After 2 long days at Disney, we woke up pretty late on Day 7. It was shopping day! 

Cheap and good lunch!
We took a train to Asakusa station and checked out this outlet just along the main street where the train exit was for lunch. 

Juicy Octopus! 

Love the way they have lots of half mains sets.. 1/2 ramen, 1/2 rice.. so that one can have the best of both worlds! 

After almost 2 years, we were back at Asakusa! (: Extremely tourist-y but very lovely! 

The sun was glaring! 

A street filled with many vendors selling lovely stuff! 


The hubby loved it so much. 

There were tons of snacks.. traditional kimonos.. doggy clothes etc.. 

Even though it was crowded, it was also zen in a way.. 

We then took a stroll to Kappabashi, my favourite street. 
I LOVE replica food. I really do. Check out what I've done so far in this blog entry

The last time round we were in Tokyo, I got 2 DIY kits from Ganso Sample. 
I loved them so much... and it's been really tough to get someone to bring them back for me. The company doesn't do international shipping either.. So this time round, I had great plans. I wanted to buy the entire series. XD 

When we got to the store, I was like a kid let loose in a candy store. 

Back to buy my sample kits!!!

So.. I got the entire set. I've been merrily playing with it ever since! 

Anyway, Kappabashi is awesome. There are lots of shops selling kitchen supplies, baking stuff etc. Many of these shops supply to restaurants and hotels etc. 

I really liked this baking shop. The boss was very friendly too! 

Great baking shop in Kapabashi! (One of many here!)-------Add-on: the entire Street is packed with lots of baking shops and supply shops!!!!!

Definitely a place worth visiting.. The shop to its right has got lots of lovely stuff too..

My stash from Kaapabashi! 

We went back the hotel to store our shopping (1 huge luggage full and several bags!). After a short rest we headed to Shinjuku again. 

Tokyu Hands in the Takashimaya building was great!

Tokyu-hands is amazing!!

We then took a stroll to Yodobashi...

The streets were beautiful.

The pictures barely do the pretty lights justice. 

It amused me to see how Hello Kitty barricades were used... for official road construction! 

We then had dinner at a Chinese fast food joint. I didn't quite like the food though..  A little too bland... and portions were way too huge. 

Mega-sized meal!

Huge portion.. larger than my face! 

The hubby's enormous bowl of soup noodles..

Back at Yodobashi! The gundams were so much cheaper! 

Insanely priced Gundams..

Spotted lots of types of Kinetic Sand kits! 

My supper! The most delicious chocolate waffles and light peach tea! 

And more toys for me too! (: 

Do read on for Day 8 when we visit Harajuku (with a huge Daiso!) and Meiji Shrine.. 

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