
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Blueberry Streusel Muffins

Blueberries. Streusel. Muffin. 

Great combination I must say!

I had 2 packets of fresh blueberries that I bought for my mum when she visited last week but she forgot to take them home! I could never have finished 2 packets of blueberries on my own so I sourced for recipes that needed blueberries that I could bake easily for the cell group as they were coming over on Friday night. 

I've never really been a fan of baking muffins and I'm not sure why.. maybe they're not as pretty as cupcakes! XD Nevertheless, this Blueberry Streusel Muffins changed my perspective. Firstly, they smell really really good. The cinnamon made my kitchen smell all Christmasy... something which I really like. Secondly, they're hardly any trouble.. Pretty simple and quick bake I must say! 

They're really moist inside and yet crunchy with the Streusel.. The blueberries also burst with lots of flavour! A delight to have! (: So click on for the full recipe! (: This will take between 30-45 minutes to bake and I'd rate it a difficulty level 2 out of 5!

Blueberry Streusel Muffins
This recipe yields 12 muffins

Recipe was adopted from Sally's Baking Addiction

115g unsalted butter, room temperature
100g castor sugar
50g brown sugar
2 eggs (I used 55g ones)
120g mixed berries yoghurt
2 tsp vanilla bean paste
220g plain flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
60ml milk
250g blueberries

100g brown sugar
1 tsp cinnamon powder


For the Streusel, add cinnamon powder to brown sugar. Mix well and set aside.

Place butter in mixer.

Mix for about 20-40 seconds till light and fluffy.

Add in both sugars.

Cream well till well combined!

Add in yoghurt, eggs and vanilla bean paste. You may also use plain yoghurt if you fancy. 

Mix till well combined.

In a large bowl, mix all the dry ingredients for muffin together. 

Add in wet ingredients.

Mix well with a whisk.. A spatula should work too..

You'll get something like this!

Add in milk in 2 additions and mix well till there are no lumps.

Smooth mixture!

Add in blueberries and fold in gently. 

All ready! 

Line baking tray with liners.. Alternatively, you may use standalone pleated cups.

Fill 1/2 the cup with batter.. (About 1 tablespoon full)

Top with a teaspoon of Streusel.

Add another round of batter..

Top with remaining Streusel.

So pretty!

Bake in oven preheated to 220 degree Celsius, fan mode, for 5 minutes. With the muffins still in the oven, reduce temperature to 175 and bake for another 12-14 minutes. Muffins should be lightly browned and a toothpick inserted into the middle of a muffin should come out clean.. 

Allow muffins to cool completely on a cooling rack. You'd be hooked onto these like I did! Enjoy the recipe! (: 

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