
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Nama Chocolate (Royce) [Rum version]

Royce's Nama Chocolate has been one of my favourite little treats and I can hardly bring myself to pay $15 for a box of these delights. 

The recipe I used is from (: 

It's usually recommended to use high quality branded chocolates and cocoa powder such as Valrhona, I only had Phoon Huat ones on hand. Hence, I decided to still give it a go but I'm proud to say that these taste AWESOME. They maybe better with Valrhona, but for now, the Phoon Huat ones are good enough for me.

This recipe is almost fool proof. But of course, steps must be taken to ensure that it turns out right. 

I took about 10 minutes to put the chocolate together and 2 hours to set it before taking another 10 minutes to slice them and dust them with cocoa powder. 

There are a few things to note when working with chocolate.. 

1) Water is the worst enemy of chocolates. Your equipment of every kind MUST be dry when working with chocolates. 
2) Chocolates aren't meant for the fridge. They cause white specks on them called sugar bloom. They don't affect the quality of the chocolate nor the taste but it's just less pretty. However, as this chocolate has been mixed with heavy cream, it's alright to refrigerate it without really affecting it. So please, don't store chocolates in the refrigerator! Keep them in a cool dry place instead! (: 

Nama Chocolate Recipe
Yields one big block of 7" chocolate with about 49 pieces

200g heavy cream also known as dairy whipping cream
400g  dark couverture chocolate (Phoon Huat's one is 55%)
2 - 3 table spoon cocoa powder
3 tbsp rum 

*You may choose to use more 'branded' chocolates but for this, I've used Phoon Huat's Chocolate and Cocoa Powder


Line a 7" baking pan with baking paper. 

Do not cut the sides as it'll cause the chocolate to leak. Instead, fold the corners and tuck them in neatly. 

I used rum for these but you can experiment with other liquor. I shall try champagne soon! 

This is the dairy whipping cream I used and this is a perfect size for one batch of chocolates with no wastage! 

Warm up the whipping cream, keeping a close eye on it. It should be just before boiling. DO NOT ALLOW IT TO BOIL. This took me less than 3 minutes. 

The heavy cream is more or less ready when the side bubbles for half a minute.

Remove from heat and add in the chocolate. If your chocolate is in one big chunk/block, I'd suggest that you cut them into smaller pieces. This will allow it to melt faster.

Stir and allow chocolate to melt. Add in rum.

This is almost there.

You should get a smooth mixture like such. 

Pour the mixture into the baking tin. Bang the tray lightly against the table top a couple of times to remove trapped air. Chill in the refrigerator for 2 hours or until set. 

Remove from baking tin by 'pulling' up sides of the baking paper. Be gentle! 

Warm up the sides of a long knife (I used my cake/bread knife) by pouring hot water over the blade. I find that this works better than dipping it into hot water. Wipe dry before cutting the chocolate. Clean the blade after each cut, ensuring that it is clean and dry. I used kitchen towels to wipe the knife. I had to warm up the blade with every two cuts to get clean cuts. 

Once you're done cutting the chocolates, sieve cocoa powder on the surface of the chocolates.

Keep chilled till you're ready to serve. For best freshness, keep in refrigerator for no more than 3 days. 

Enjoy your awesome Nama Chocolate! (: 

I'd love to see the bakes or stuff you've cooked using the blog's recipe! Do share photos of stuff you've baked or cooked using the blog's recipe with me either via FB message to OR OR via email at! I look forward to hearing from you! (: 


  1. Im inspired!!! Any suggestions for green tea nama choc?
    Can i use choc chip to melt instead of couverture?

    1. Try it Janice!

      I've yet to try making the green tea version though!
      Please stick to couverture choc if you want it to melt in your mouth (:


  2. Nice and simple recipe... Turns out to be really yummy! Both my hubby and I love it! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I just made some and I have a couple of questions - how do I leave it alone long enough for it to set? How do I stop eating it? And is 'nama' a variation of nom nom nom? I swear this recipe will change my life!

    1. haha! smack your hands every time you reach for them before they're set! Nama is a japanese word which means raw or fresh (:

  4. i am going to try and make this and give it as christmas present!

  5. Hi does it mean that I melt the choc in d heated cream wo fire ?

  6. Where can i get Varlhona type of choc ?

  7. Can I substitute something else with rum? And can I add some nuts in?

    1. can replace with other alcohol or omit completely... Yeah you may add nuts too.. but those that are rather fine... else it's tough to cut..

  8. Why does mine looks a bit soft and not hard??

    1. It might need a little more time as your fridge might not have been cold enough.

  9. Hi I would like to check how long it can be left outside the fridge? eg. 1-2 hrs??

  10. Hi Cynthia. Can I know if I can replace the rum by using kahlua?

  11. I followed the steps, but the texture came out crumby. Do you know why?

  12. hi how long can i leave it outside the fridge?

    1. Hi. 15-30mins.

      Has to be kept chilled. Can bring an ice pack with it should you wanna take it out.

  13. hi Cynthia
    . dunno why but mine is really soft.
    even though I fridge for more than idea..

    1. Hello. It's not meant to be hard hard.

      Then again, your fridge might not be cold enough so it didn't set well.

  14. Hi Cynthia, thank you for this awesome and simple to follow recipe. The chocolate is really yummy. This is the first time i tried to do it and it turns out well. However, it turns soft really fast. Any idea if there anything we can add or use a different type of chocolate so that the outside of fridge time can be prolonged? Thanks :D

    1. It's meant to be this melty (:

      I'm sorry but there's no replacement for the choc.. using the other type of choc, compound choc, will result in a firm choc instead of the soft nama choc you'd wanna achieve

  15. Sorry, so have to use 2 different chocolates?

    1. eh... please help me.. where in the recipe did it call for 2 chocolates?

  16. Hi cynthia ! I just did these yest wo rum. It was awesome for my first try ! Wld like to do rum soaked raisins version tho ! Any advice on dat pls ?! :)

    1. That's great to know! Sorry I havent tried that... But i do suppose you can soak raisins in rum overnight, drain well and add to the choc (:

  17. hi have you try this before using red wine?


    1. hello, nope. but shouldnt be a problem if it's kept to the same quantity

  18. Hi, i just want to check you are using 7" x 7" tray? I've got only 8" x 11" tray. Does that mean i just multiply the recipe roughly by 2?

    1. Hello! Try 1.5 or 1.75 potion (: 2 might be a little too much (:

  19. I jus tried it today w/o rum. N I put into small chocolate cups instead of 7in tin. Chilled for 3hrs but it soften v fast when taken out to dust Cocoa powder. So I pop them into fridge again b4 serving my hubby. He loves it!!

  20. Hi Cynthia. Would like to clarify again on the chilling process - put in fridge or freezer? Thanks in advance!

  21. Hi Cynthia, can I stand in aircon room? For 2-3hours?

  22. Hi Cynthia, if I half ur recipe, which size tin shld I use? Would like to start small quantity first tks

    1. Hello,

      the portion is already using a pretty small tin.. if you halve it, you'd likely have to use a 4" square tin.. which isn't too common..

  23. where can I buy Valrhona chocolate?

    1. Hi, assuming that you're in Singapore, Sun Lik has them.
