
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Billy & Cynthia POST 1: The beginning

So as some of you may already know, I'm tying the knot soon with the favourite boy! The man who has been supportive of me through my good and bad times. It's been on my mind for a bit to do up a wedding blog but frankly speaking, it is already tough as it is to manage this blog.. So I guess I'm gonna do a lumped up blog with my personal life injected here too! This is also cos' the favourite boy has hardly any time to blog unlike in his younger days due to his work commitments so if I'm gonna be the only one blogging, it might as well be here! (: Maybe I can get him to guest-write here!

Anyway, we got engaged on 27 October 2012 (more details to follow in another blog post!), just a day after my birthday. It was something I've been waiting for (: However, as I was still busy with my school assignments and exams, I wasn't allowed to do any wedding planning till' my school semester ended. By the time my school semester ended, I was out full force! I started getting bridal magazines and emailed many hotels for quotations for our banquet, photographers, bridal studios etc etc! We even visited bridal studios in Johor Bahru in hope that we could get better deals. We do not drive so imagine how 'gung ho' we were to travel in and intended to travel in for our bridal!

Anyway, with our planning came meetings after meetings, emails after emails, visits after visits! We were really ALL OVER THE PLACE in search of the perfect bridal studio, photographer, church, hotel/restaurant. Indeed, by God's grace, we've managed to secure some of these stuff! I'll share more about our search and bridal packages etc in time to come for interested brides/grooms to be as reference!

I'll be sharing more about our flat application for our first home in Tampines too! (: 

Anyway, after a long search, we finally settled down on Seletar Bridal. Here's a sneak peek at my actual day evening gown:

The colour for this gown is just totally me. Electric blue is one of my favourite colours. In fact, I love my OPI coloured electric blue nail polish that it's a shade I often have on my nails! I'm just totally in love with all 4 gowns that I've selected for my wedding. Even though my wedding is still technically a year away, I've already selected my photoshoot gowns for our photoshoot in March as well as my actual day gown. Indeed, God is awesome and He provides for our every need! (:

So, I'll stop just about here for now. I've got so much to share but let me do it in instalments so that you can follow our wedding preparation if you're keen. Till then, tata! (: 

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