
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Mango Mousse Yule Log / Log Cake

So, this the season to be jolly! One of my favourite times of the year.. Christmas! So, what's a Christmas without a good Yule Log? And these Yule Logs are actually pretty simple to make! This particular one is filled with mango mousse and trust me, this mango mousse packs a punch! There's just so much goodness and flavour in this particular version of mango mousse I've improved!

Mango Mousse Yule Log/Log Cake

This recipe yields one log cake

3 eggs (55g sized eggs)
75g cake flour
75g fine sugar
75g butter

150g fresh mango puree (or store-bought)
175g whipping cream (non-dairy)
10g gelatin
2 1/4 tbsp water
100g freshly cubed mango
10g dark chocolate (optional)
Christmas decor


Preheat the oven to 160 degrees Celsius. Grease the baking pan. I used a 11" by 9" Swiss roll pan. 

Line the baking tin with baking sheet/parchment paper/greaseproof paper.

Melt the butter! I used my microwave oven for about a minute to melt the butter.

Also, weigh 75g of cake flour and sift it. Set aside.

To the sugar, add the 4 eggs. Whisk the mixture till' stiff peaks are formed. Fold in the batter. This video will help:


Pour the batter into the baking tin.

Sway the baking tin a little to 'guide' the batter to fill the corners. Lightly bang the baking tin against the table surface to knock out any extra air bubbles trapped in the batter. Bake for 15 minutes in the middle rack or till' a toothpick comes out clean when inserted into the middle of the cake. 

Completed cake! Remove cake from baking tin when still hot from oven. What I'd usually do is to prepare 2 cake boards. I'm using re-usuable metal cake boards. Place one cake board on top of the baking tin.

Invert the baking tin. Remove/shake the baking tin away from the cake.

Peel the baking sheet that was used to line the bottom of the cake.

For the swiss roll, retain the bottom baking sheet used to line the cake. Place a cake board on the base of the swiss roll and flip the cake back. Remove cake board that was on the top of the cake. You should have cake, baking paper, cake. I lined an extra piece of baking sheet on top of this picture below but please do not do this. The baking sheet on top of the cake will stick to the baking paper. 

Just leave the cake to cool in a cake caddy to prevent the sponge cake from drying out. 

Beautiful mangoes I got from Cold Storage! (:

Cut some freshly cubed mango for use inside the cake! You can put between 50g to 100g inside the Swiss roll, depending on how much fresh mango cubes you want in the cake. Of course, for me, the more the merrier! (:

I love freshly blended mango puree. So I blended it till it was all smooth. You may choose to use store-bought mango puree but the taste will be a lil' compromised. 

All blended and smooth! Almost tempted enough to drink it!

Using a double boiler, add the 2 1/4 tbsp water to the bowl/pot. Add in the gelatin and allow it to soak for a minute before double boiling till' gelatin is all smooth and dissolved.

 Allow mixture to cool to room temperature.

Whip up the whipped cream!

Add the mango puree!

Add the gelatin mixture that has been cooled! Mix well! Leave in fridge to chill while preparing Swiss roll.

Have the Swiss roll that has been cooled to room temperature ready. Spray a mixture of dissolved sugar solution (Ratio 1:1) onto the cake to allow it to be moist. 

Spread a layer of mango mousse on the cake.

Top with loads of mango cubes!

Roll it up! 

Use either baking paper or cling wrap or aluminium foil to wrap the roll to allow it to set. Leave in fridge to set for 15 minutes.

All my lovely decor! 

Slice 1/4 of the Swiss Roll and place it either in front of the main log or on top! 

Cream the Yule Log and 'draw' some lines with a fork.

Microwave the chocolate to melt it. 30 seconds should do the trick.

Your chocolate will be shiny when it has dissolved so it's ready to be stirred!

Mix well! (:

Place into piping bag and snip a small hole to draw lines on Yule Log!

Decorate with some Christmas knick-knacks and you're done! Completed product!

So, a Yule Log isn't that tough to create after all isn't it? Since Christmas is almost here, why not make one for your family today? (:

And to join in the fun, I'm submitting this to Aspiring Bakers #26 - Creative Christmas Motif Bakes! hosted by Alan of Travellingfoodies! Don't we just love Christmas? (:

I'd love to see the bakes or stuff you've cooked using the blog's recipe! Do share photos of stuff you've baked or cooked using the blog's recipe with me either via FB message to OR OR via email at! I look forward to hearing from you! (: 

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