
Friday, December 7, 2012

Chocolate Christmas Trees

So it's been quite some time since I last blogged or even done up a new recipe. Thank you my dearest friends for hanging around even though there hasn't been new recipes for some time. So here is my return! (:

I've a whole long list of stuff to bake but as the wedding preparations' are coming along, I haven't had the time to bake much just as yet. My December vacation seem to be zipping pass so quickly! I need time to slow down a lil' as I find time to do up all the bakes I've been wanting to do! 

Anyway, as Christmas is approaching, I decided to do up some Christmas trees, inspired by this book I came across in the library several days ago. Christmas is my favourite season of the year cos' it's just so dreamy and romantic. Also, it's a reminder of Jesus Christ, who was born on this day.. and a reminder of His love for me. 

So, here it is, my Chocolate Christmas Tree! (: This project took me about an hour in all! 

Christmas Chocolate Trees
This recipe makes 2 5.5" by 5.5" Chocolate Christmas Trees

150g dark compound chocolate
60g white compound chocolate (To be split into 3 portions)


As chocolate melts easily in our humidity, you may want to work in a cool dry place or even in an air conditioned room so that the chocolate doesn't melt from the heat in the air or the heat from your fingers and hands. 

Trace the template using a ball point pen onto baking sheet. Each tree is made up of a BASE and 4 BLADES. The template I used is 13 by 7 cm per 'blade'. You may draw up your version of the template and duplicate them. Feel free to be creative! (: Flip the ink side of the paper down. Secure the baking sheet onto a secure base. 

This is the original copy of the template. I don't have a scanner at home so it's quite tough to get all the right measurements using a camera to provide you with the template. Please do try to sketch a version of your own! (:

I used my bangle to draw a circle for the base of the chocolate tree. My circle was about 6.5cm in diameter.

Melt the compound chocolate. Please do use compound chocolate for this as compound chocolate will set upon shaping whereas the other type of chocolate that I always use in my recipes, coverture chocolate will not set. 

Pop the chocolate into a microwavable bowl and heat up for a minute or so on high heat or till softened. Then, stir it well to allow chocolate to melt completely. Alternatively, you may double boil your chocolate too! 

Scoop the chocolate into a piping bag.

Snip a really small tip off for a thin line effect for the borders.

Follow the lines and pipe the chocolate onto the template.

Pipe the circle too! (:

After all piping has been done, snip the tip of the piping bag a lil' more to allow more chocolate to come through the tip as flooding is going to be done for the chocolate tree.

Flood the insides of the tree blade! I used lines but you may use whatever pattern you think is pretty! (: Try not to leave too many holes/gap in the tree blade as this may cause breakage at a later stage.

Flood the insides of the circle too!

Done flooding! 

Place the boards/chocolate into the chiller for 30-40 minutes for it to set. Keep an eye on the chocolate as the chiller's cold air may cause white spots known as sugar bloom to appear on the chocolate. If you start seeing small white specks, remove the chocolate from the fridge and let it set in a cool dry place. If you're worried about sugar blooms, you may choose to let the chocolates set in a cool dry place for an hour or till' it's all set. Personally, I wanted to quickly see the end results of the Chocolate Christmas Trees so I took the 'shortcut'! 

These are the blades after setting in the fridge. Be very gentle with them as they're really fragile!

Place the round base on your plate.

Pipe a cross on the base. These chocolate was left over from the piping bag used earlier on. If left in room temperature inside a piping bag, the chocolate is still relatively fluidly and easy to work with. 

Using the liquid chocolate as a glue, stick a piece of blade to the base. 
Next, stick another blade along the same line (Opposite to existing blade).
Then, add the two other blades.

Many people will have different ways of assembling it so do what works best for you! (:
One assembled, return the tree to the fridge to set while you prepare the coloured white chocolate. Do up one colour at a time.

Each colour of chocolate I used for the baubles was 20g. Melt the chocolate on medium heat in the microwave for 45 - 60 seconds or till melted.

Add food colouring. I used wilton gel colouring red, yellow and teal. 

Mix well!

Scoop into piping bag!

Pipe little dots onto the tree! I love the red baubles! 

Return the chocolate tree into the fridge once you're done piping a colour of baubles and then prepare the next colour. Pipe the next colour!

Let your creativity run wild! (:

I piped the sides of the tree too. The sky's the limit! 

The other coloured tree I did! 
Pop the tree into the fridge to set for 5 minutes and you're good to go!

Such a pretty tree that will make a statement at any parties you're gonna have!
So, make yours today! (:

I'd love to see the bakes or stuff you've cooked using the blog's recipe! Do share photos of stuff you've baked or cooked using the blog's recipe with me either via FB message to OR OR via email at! I look forward to hearing from you! (: 

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