
Monday, September 24, 2012

Today we are 1!

Praise the Lord! 
It's been an amazing year indeed.
365 days of goodness.
365 days of growth. 

104,136 page views since the beginning.

110 blog posts.
Our readers coming from all over the world... Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, USA, Philippines, Australia, UK, Hong Kong, Netherlands and the list goes on and on and on.. 
THANK YOU for making this blog a success.

We've come a long way and I'm really thankful for each and every one of your support thus far. Words are not enough to express my gratitude. I'm glad that many of the recipes on the blog has inspired many to start cooking and baking. I'm glad that many of these recipes that comes with step-by-step image recipes have been helpful to many of us. 

Today, I'm truly filled with gratitude for how far we've come along. Do drop me a comment to let me know how the blog has been helpful to you all these while and of cos, do suggest recipes you'd like to see here and how I can make this blog better. (:


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