
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

SNOWSKIN MOONCAKE 1: Passionfruit paste with mango skin snowskin mooncake

This was my first attempt at making snowskin mooncakes and I may say, I like them (: It's been a havoc week and it isn't helping that my school workload is increasing. I was struggling between getting more sleep and getting these 'baked'. Well, no prizes for which activity won (: This recipe is adapted from Richard Goh's recipe for snowskin mooncake.

Updated: 24 August 2013
I've been blessed with the opportunity to present this recipe in video form with all of you! Here's a video tutorial I did for the making of snowskin mooncakes! (: 

Passionfruit Paste with Mango Skin Snowskin Mooncake Recipe
This recipe makes about 13 - 15 small mooncakes (Highly dependent on mould)

75g fried glutinous rice flour
100g icing sugar
50g shortening (I used PH's shortening)
75ml Fruit tree fresh Mango juice
500g passion fruit paste (From KCT)

Extra fried glutinous rice flour for coating mooncake

Add the shortening and icing sugar that has been sifted to the fried glutinous rice flour.

Mix well on the lowest speed ever.. The icing sugar and flour will fly all over! I used a piece of cloth to minimise the damage but some bits still flew! (: Ensure that shortening is well incorporated into mixture like little bread crumbs before moving on to the next step.

I used the mango fruit juice I got from Fruit Tree Fresh.

Add the fruit juice. Mix well till you get a paste.

Add a tiny drop of wilton gel colouring is the color is too faint to your liking. Adjust according to your liking. TIP: Add a little initially and add more if it is till too light. It's better to adjust as you go as compared to dumping a whole load in and getting it too coloured, which in this case, can't be reversed.

Mix well till you get a crumbly mixture like this. It should take less than a minute. Note that the mixture does not need to be smooth. It will come together after 'resting'.

Cover the dough with a moist cloth and allow it to rest for 10 minutes before working on it. Alternatively, you may cover it with cling wrap, ensuring that the surface of the dough touches the cling wrap.

I got my passionfruit paste from Kwong Cheong Thye at $7 for 500g (details at the end of blog post) {2013's pricing: $8 per 500g} after liking it during the testing. The paste is fragrant without being too sweet. 500g of paste will yield about 13 - 15 small mooncakes.

You can weigh and prepare your paste before mixing the dough or while waiting for the dough to rest. The trick here is to 'test' the amount of paste that should fit comfortably with your mould and still have space for the dough and weigh it. Subsequent balls of paste can be just weighed and moulded into rounds to be used. I used my mould from Sun Lik. I will include the details of this shop at the end of this blog post.

This is the plastic mould that I used. For this mould, I used 25g of paste with 21g of dough. Do not rely on my measurements though, use it as a gauge to measure yours. Please do get a digital weighing scale for precision please. (: Every gram makes a difference! 

Prepare a dish of fried glutinous rice flour for the assembly of the mooncake.

Dust a lil' fried glutinous rice flour on the insides of the mould. This will prevent sticking.

Weigh your dough, for my case, 21g and mould it into a ball. Place it between 2 sheets of plastic and flatten it with a large item with flat base. I used my wooden mooncake mould to flatten the dough. 

Open up the plastic sheet and dust a thin layer of fried glutinous rice flour on the surface to prevent sticking. This surface will be the exterior of the mooncake.  

On the un-floured surface of the dough, place the paste in the middle and wrap the dough around the paste. Do not not to stretch the dough too much, else it will be translucent in certain areas of the mooncake.

Once the ball has been moulded, carefully place it into the mould. Flatten the back gently with your palm. 
Remove the mooncake from mould. (The video I'll be sharing soon will show you how to remove it easily!)

Check out the pretty mooncakes! 

I packed my mooncakes into mini packaging that I got from KCT (10 for $2.60).

Do chill the mooncakes before consumption and preferably consume them within 5 days for best freshness. I'm quite happy that these mooncakes turned out quite pretty for my first attempt. 

This recipe can be tweaked to be used with other pastes and fruit juices. Just pair them on your own.. The possibilities are endless! 

 I shall also try out my mango paste and white lotus paste real soon. I can't wait to bake the traditional mooncakes with salted egg yolks which are my absolute favourite. Till then, try these out and let me know if you liked it as much as my loved ones and I! (: 

Here are some that I made in August 2013 (: 

You may also like this recipe for Traditional Mooncakes

Sun Lik Trading 
- Mooncake mould $5
-Fried glutinous rice flour $2-3

33 Seah Street, Singapore 188389
Nearest MRT: City Hall and Bugis

Kweong Cheong Thye (KCT)
-Mooncake paste ($7 for 500g of passion fruit paste)
$8 for 2013's price
- Individual mooncake packacing (10 for $2.60)

61-63 Lorong 27 Geylang, Singapore 388186
Nearest MRT: Aljunid

*Do note that both outlets only accept cash so please do bring sufficient cash along!
*Prices might have increased since last price check in 2012. 

I'd love to see the bakes or stuff you've cooked using the blog's recipe! Do share photos of stuff you've baked or cooked using the blog's recipe with me either via FB message to OR OR via email at! I look forward to hearing from you! (: 


  1. Hi Cynthia,

    Your snowskin mooncakes sure looks gorgeous ;)

    May I know how much do u pay for your moulds? I am looking for some cute cartoon moulds for my kids.



  2. Hi Chris,

    Thanks for the compliments!

    I got my mould from the pink mooncake from an online seller. It's a wooden mould that cost me 25bucks (one big n this small one) hence the more intricate designs. The yellow mooncakes were made using a plastic mould I bought at 5 bucks from Sun Lik. Sun Lik does sell cartoon plunger moulds with exchangeable plates around 15 bucks if I'm not mistaken. Alternatively, Taobao has loads of pretty moulds at a much cheaper price too. Hope that helps!


  3. Thanks for the info, Cynthia.

    Will upload the pics if I can manage to make the mooncakes using your receipe with the cartoon moulds.


    1. Hi Chris,

      No prob! Yes pls! Do share the pic with me! Do like us on our fb page so we can keep in touch! ((:


  4. Ηi there! Would you mіnd if I share your blog with my facеbook group?
    Τheге's a lot of folks that I think would really appreciate your content. Please let me know. Cheers

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  5. Hi, dun mind can i shared your recipe with my FB friends?

  6. Very helpful and detailed!! Thank you!!

  7. Hi Cynthia,
    What is passion fruit paste ? Is it a combination of lotus paste and passion fruit paste where we have to buy these two ingredients and mix it by ourselves?

    1. Hello!

      It's a pre-prepared paste that can be bought from the shops mentioned in this entry.


    2. I see. It's something like lotus paste but with passionate fruit flavour right? I asked this question because when i checked on KCT website, they didnt mentioned they have such paste. Besides, do you have the operating hours for KCT?

      Thank you.

    3. The lotus can't really be tasted.. I doubt it's just a flavour but the fruit itself that's infused during the cooking in the factory. It is a mid-autumn festival special so it won't be mentioned on the website.. They have a really wide variety of flavours.. milk tea, osmanthus, chocolate etc!

      I lost the image I took of their opening hours but I do recall them opening till 5.30pm on weekdays. Maybe it's safer to give them a call to check.

    4. Just bought the passion fruit paste. The paste tastes good. Btw, during this festive period, they are open till 7.30pm (Mon-Sat) and sun (can't remember the timing).

      Thank you.

    5. That's good to know! (:
      Have fun making the mooncakes! Do share a pic with me if you can via email! (: (:

  8. Hi Cynthia,

    Saw that KCT industrial building is at Senoko, have you been there?
    Do they sell the mooncake paste over there as well?

    Thank you :)

    1. Hello!

      I have heard of it and I do know that they sell pastes too. But they do not allowing for testing as opposed to the shop in Aljunied. But they may have changed the way they operate ever since.

  9. Hi thanks for sharing! I'm trying ur recipe now however my dough turns out to be sitcky. I'm unable to even roll into a ball. I used the premix snow skin flour from poon haut. Do I have to add more shortening . Do u know why the dough is sticky? Thanks!!

    1. Hi Karen,

      I'm a little confused. You used my recipe but you used premix snow skin flour?

    2. Hey Cynthia,thanks! I'll threw away the first batch and tried again with less water and works le. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful n useful post! :)

  10. Hi Cynthia,
    I used the snow skin premix flour. I'm not sure if I added too little or not enough shortening but the dough got so sticky that sticks on my hand hence I'm unable to roll it into a ball. What texture should the dough ideally be?

    1. Hi Karen,

      The recipe that I work with doesn't call for premix flour and I haven't used it before so I won't be able to advise you. If you were to use this recipe on the blog using fried glut rice flour, you should get a rather soft playdough texture to work with.


  11. Hi, I only have glutinous flour so can I steam or fry it? If yes, how do I do it? Thank u

    1. May I suggest that you buy a bag of fried glut rice flour for the mooncakes to save yourself the hassle as it is not easy to do it on your own. The regular glut rice flour is good for mochis and mua chee! (:

  12. Hi, will this snow skin taste powdery as I tried other recipe they taste soft & powdery? Thanks

    1. Hello,

      do you mean that the dough tastes powdery or because there's a layer of powder on the surface?

  13. Hi, I mean the dough. When eating the snow skin it will taste powdery & will melt in the mouth. Thanks

    1. the skin isnt supposed to melt in the mouth.. it's soft but not too chewy

  14. I think Richard Goh teaches cake making in Nee Soon Central CC before if I am not wrong! Am I right?

  15. Can use durian filling instead?

  16. Hi cynthia ! Is there any difference between normal glutinous rice flour and the fried ones ?

  17. Hi Cynthia ,
    May I know how what's the length of ur mooncake mould ?

    Mine is about 5.2cm .
    If mine is 5.2 how many can I make ?

    1. hello! you'd have to play around with the mould to get a right amount of dough/paste..
      try this post for more tips!

  18. May I know where to buy the fried glutinous flour?
