
Sunday, August 19, 2012

What's Cooking: Mrs Ng SK's Butter Cake

Since this cake has been highly raved and I've been craving for a butter cake since Nana's 3rd birthday, I decided to bake this today since it's a free day for me! Truly, this cake is tasty and soft.. truly worth buying better butter for! (: Want the recipe for it in step-by-step image format? If yes, please leave a comment! (: 


  1. Hi Cynthia. Would love to try your receipe for the butter cake. Am a amateur baker :) you can mail me at

    1. Hi Connie! I got my recipe from Annie of! (:

  2. Accidentally went into yr blog and felt grateful with all yr patient and efforts with careful steps by steps guiding. When I learn baking, I was told that if we put in so much efforts to bake for our loves one, we have to bake using PLAIN FLOUR instead of Top Flour, Cake Flour or Premix Flour and also avoid using SP Gel or any other softerner agent. However, many of the trainer that I have learnt using these premix flour, cake flour, SP Gel ... in their demo except Richard Goh that taught us using Plain Flour. I wonder is yr Butter Cake also using plain flour ? If yes, may I have yr RCP as well ?
    Thx for making so much efforts in sharing baking and cooking with us. U R our aunties' Angel :)

    1. it's my pleasure (:
      here's the recipe
